Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oh what a month!

I am telling you, it is so important to track the things that you are doing. I took a look at my monthly totals last night and I was convinced that I had done a $1200 month, which would be my highest month yet. But nope, I had forgotten a few orders and this magnificent month was $1440. And it's not over yet!

I love this business!

1 comment:

gretakit said...

Hi my name is Monica, I'm in Los Angeles, CA and came across your blog....oddly enough, over gift baskets! Ha! I read yours and cracked up.

I am hosting a holiday open house today and have before me wrapping, ribbons, etc. and need direction! haha It was a delight to read your blog. As an Independent Consultant it is refreshing to hear others are dealing with it like me. :) If you want to correspond, I'm on My Space:

Have a great DECEMBER!